We sponsor a Brownie/Junior Girl Scout troop that meets every Saturday Morning. We help the girls complete badges by utilizing the talents of all the women in our sorority. In addition to completing badges we help the girls complete their yearly cookie sale and explore any and all interest areas.
Prevent Child Abuse America
Prevent Child Abuse America was founded by Donna Stone, a Kappa Delta. Kappa Delta has donated over $7.1 million to PCAA. Hundreds of Kappa Delta chapters host "Shamrock Events" every year to raise money for national and local child abuse prevention efforts. Our sisters, Jackie Reed, Rachel Gold and Cara Borrelli are hosting Shamrock Event 2010.
Children's Hospital Richmond, Virginia
Kappa Delta and the Children's Hospital in Richmond Virginia's relationship started in 1921 when Kappa Delta pledged to support two beds by $1,200. Since then Kappa Delta contribute d over $2.2 millions that helped to develop a motion clinic and a playground , and purchase hospital equipment, medical braces, neurosurgi cal instrument s, and vans to transport patients.
Orthopaedic Research Awards
After working with the Children's Hospital, Kappa Deltas felt like they should make a difference not only in treatment but also in prevention. With American Academy of Orthopaedi c Surgeons (AAOS) Kappa Delta has been granting awards to leading orthopaedi c researcher s for the past 60 years. The owners of this year's awards, which totals to $60,000, are Stavros Thomopoulo s, PhD; Hiroshi Kawaguchi, MD, PhD; Toru Akune, MD, PhD; Takashi Yamada, MD, PhD; and Naoshi Ogata, MD, PhD; Michael J. Yaszemski, MD, PhD; and Lichun Lu, PhD.
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